Upcoming Events


Our next meeting

Holiday Social 

December 10, 2024
4:30 to 6:30 p.m.

Bi Spring Country Club

Join your NABIP friends to welcome the holidays. Admission is just a toy or a donation for USA Cares. (gift cards are a great option too!) NABIP Greater Louisville will provide appetizers and two drink tickets. But Big Spring does NOT accept credit card payments, so if you think you are up for a little extra celebrating, remember to bring cash. We hope that you can attend the celebration and help USA Care provide a Happy Holiday for military families.

 Registration and Event Details 

Schedule of Meetings

Tuesday, December 10, 2024 Holiday Social

Tuesday, February 4, 2025  Ethics CE
(location to be determined)

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

June 3, 2025

Big Spring Country Club
5901 Dutchmans Lane, Louisville, KY 40205


Social Event 
April 15, 2025

Watch for details!

In Case You Missed It

Look what happened because of your generosity!  

 At the GLAHU Holiday Social toys were collected for USA CARES